We Build Communities - Grants Compliance, Project Management
Landmark is the prime for an on-call contract for disaster recovery consulting services and another for project management services. Change Management Process Improvement– Landmark utilized the knowledge of program management and controls to review the Port’s current processes for managing change by collecting data and performing interviews. Our solution was to find the least intrusive way to improve communication between the various departments. Strategic Integration Transition Plan for Disaster Recovery Program– SMRO’s (Storm Mitigation and Resilience Office) priority is to ensure the infrastructure programs meet federal funding requirements compliantly. The Strategic Integration Transition Plan was officially adopted by the Port of New York & New Jersey. Grants Management, Reporting and Document Control Process Improvements– Landmark developed and implement processes and templates that prepared the SMRO for successful completion of their portfolio of federally funded projects. The three key areas that required support was reporting, document management, and resource planning.
Landmark is the prime contractor providing expert technical assistance for federal grants management, compliance, monitoring, reporting, and expert advisory services to the City of Atlanta and subgrantees for programs funded under the U.S. Treasury Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the ‘CARES’ Act), ARPA, ERA, CEBG-CV, FEMA and related federal funding resources. We serve as trusted advisors to ensure accountability and safety from the risk of non-compliance regarding specific tasks and deliverables. Landmark Consulting employs our federal grant and contract compliance expertise by providing the following range of services: