
Project Summary


Within 3 days of the torrential rain and resulting flooding in parts of South Carolina, Landmark Consulting mobilized an emergency management team and hit the ground running.  The team consisted of experienced professionals specializing in disaster assessments, municipal administration, governmental relations, engineering, architecture, and Federal policy including Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation and Community Development Block Grants.  Working side by side with the City of Columbia’s staff, Landmark’s Program Management team is responsible for design and construction phases, cash flow analysis and tracking of Direct Administrative Costs for reimbursement. Landmark’s Compliance Assurance Program team ensures that proper guidelines and procedures for procurement, cost alignment, scope of work, reimbursement, documentation submittal and retention, and project closeout are met, both timely and efficiently, while strictly adhering to Federal Requirements under the Stafford Act. The team performed assessments of storm damaged facilities which resulted in an estimated project funding amount of $90 million. Project Worksheets are currently being formulated to capture the damages and estimates to obligate Public Assistance and 404 Hazard Mitigation and 406 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding. An Expedited Emergency PW that was formulated, obligated, and advanced in the amount of $7.6 million, was recognized by South Carolina state officials as being one of the largest and most organized projects submitted for funding. Additionally, a Direct Allocation Request was submitted to HUD and granted to the City of Columbia for $19.8 million for CDBG-DR funding.



Landmark is the prime contractor providing expert technical assistance for federal grants management, compliance, monitoring, reporting, and expert advisory services to the City of Atlanta and subgrantees for programs funded under the U.S. Treasury Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the ‘CARES’ Act), ARPA, ERA, CEBG-CV, FEMA and related federal funding resources. We serve as trusted advisors to ensure accountability and safety from the risk of non-compliance regarding specific tasks and deliverables. Landmark Consulting employs our federal grant and contract compliance expertise by providing the following range of services:

Morial Convention Center

Morial Convention Center

Emory Hospital & University

Emory Hospital & University

City Of Atlanta

City Of Atlanta