Cedric Pippins
Cedric Pippins brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with managing cost and funding, using systems including Primavera P6, QuickBase and SharePoint. As Landmark’s Operations Manager, Cedric designed a work plan, an encumbrance modeling tool, and cash flow reports to assist project managers in monitoring the metrics of a project’s lifecycle in quantities including time, cost, and other necessary resources. While managing multiple projects and funding sources, Cedric tracks contracts, scopes of work, purchase orders, and expenditures for authorized work while forecasting future scope of work as they relate to budget, contract commitments, schedules and progress. Such control has assisted the Landmark Compliance team in their efforts to capture and separate ineligible and eligible scope, version FEMA project worksheets, minimize cost overruns, and submit expenses for reimbursements in a timely manner. He coordinates with executive staff on accounting systems and functions to provide timely and efficient access to cost and schedule data for all project stakeholders, while reporting monthly cost, schedule and progress that includes real-time schedule up-dates, cost variance analysis, project status, forecasting and reporting.